JOIN THE EVENT Why attend Exhibit
New People
We want to communicate and share experiences, opinions of the best representatives and rank-and-file employees, become available to the IT community.
Have Fun
A conference that provides an opportunity to meet outside of specialized forums. We create an opportunity to meet recognized experts and technologies in person, just a good excuse to cross paths with colleagues from different cities and countries, on a systems engineer’s day.
LISTEN TO THE Event Speakers
Lucy Melisa
Founder, Edilta
Lucy Melisa
Founder, Edilta
World is committed to making participation in the event a harass ment free experience for everyone, regardless of level experience gender, gender identity and expression
Fredric Martin
Lead Designer, Block, Terry and Ratke
Henri Robert
Founder, Kertzmann, Bauch and Prohaska
REACH US Get Direction to the Event Hall
Brighton Waterfront Hotel, Brighton, London
7248 Arvid Walks Suite 816 New Camyllehaven, MO 82973
Tickets info
Name: Daisy Paucek
Phone: +1-652-892-7442
Programme Details
Name: Daisha Hackett
Phone: +1-246-998-6445